“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine." - Isaiah 43:1b - Have you heard of the TV series, "The Chosen"? The Chosen is the first-ever multi-season series about the life of Jesus Christ and His disciples, and it is the largest crowdfunded media project in history to date (not just for faith-based projects, but ever!). With acclaim from both critics and audiences, we get to see Jesus through the eyes of those that met Him. Sometimes Jesus is portrayed or understood as distant from us normal humans, smugly holy and self-righteous, but in The Chosen, Jesus and his disciples are down-to-earth and relatable, with believable emotional weight, humor, and authenticity. Being both God and man while on earth, how could Jesus not have been? The first two seasons are completely FREE, and can be found through The Chosen's Website (as well as a host of additional streaming services). Expected December 4th, an official and free new Chosen App is also to be available, providing full access to Seasons One through Two, and eventually Season Three to stream shortly thereafter. Season One can be found via the image link below: Following two brothers struggling with their tax debts to Rome, a tax collector ostracized by his family and his people, a religious leader struggling with his beliefs, and a woman in the Red Quarter wrestling with her demons, Season One introduces Jesus and the calling of His initial disciples. Season Two focuses on the beginning of Jesus' public ministry and what happens as word of His ministry begins to spread. If it is something you find yourself seeking, Vintage Pearls MKE would love the opportunity to extend friendship, encouragement, support, or simply lend an ear. Many of us at Vintage Pearls MKE have been impacted by The Chosen, as it points to our Savior, King, and Friend - Jesus - and we invite you to explore the Gospels in the Bible when you are ready.
If you watch the show, let us know what you think! Or, if you'd like to set-up a viewing party or Bible Study, please reach out! We are here for you, friend, and even more so, know Jesus always always is. You are loved, valued, and purposed. Merry Christmas! Text/Call: 414-858-8554 Email: [email protected]